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Approx. 10" wide needle to needle at Mid section or larger! Please see Pictures.Echinocactus Grusonii Golden Barrel Cactus Drought Tolerant Plant. Measurements are from needle to needle at widest points.Approximately 7" tall with a great root ball.Perfect gift idea! Looks great in any decor inside or outside. They look wonderful in a decorative clay south eastern colorful pot with good drainage.Hardy plant and easy to care for. Enjoy a piece of the desert.
Whenever the soil feels dry to the touch
Display your plants in a draft-free area. Avoid direct sunlight.
Approx. 10" wide needle to needle at Mid section or larger! Please see Pictures.Echinocactus Grusonii Golden Barrel Cactus Drought Tolerant Plant. Measurements are from needle to needle at widest points.Approximately 7" tall with a great root ball.Perfect gift idea! Looks great in any decor inside or outside. They look wonderful in a decorative clay south eastern colorful pot with good drainage.Hardy plant and easy to care for. Enjoy a piece of the desert.
Whenever the soil feels dry to the touch
Display your plants in a draft-free area. Avoid direct sunlight.
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Serving NYC
since 1989