Voted best Local Bronx Florist
Offering Same Day Delivery
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Express your condolences perfectly with the elegant beauty of our abundant all-red arrangement, a traditional symbol of courage and strength. Lovely roses, Gerbera daisies, alstroemeria and carnations are hand-designed by our florists in a classic vase for a sincere offering of your sympathy. Lush bouquet of the freshest red roses, spray roses, Gerbera daisies, alstroemeria, carnations, mini carnations and hypericum, accented with variegated pittosporum, salal and myrtle
Express your condolences perfectly with the elegant beauty of our abundant all-red arrangement, a traditional symbol of courage and strength. Lovely roses, Gerbera daisies, alstroemeria and carnations are hand-designed by our florists in a classic vase for a sincere offering of your sympathy. Lush bouquet of the freshest red roses, spray roses, Gerbera daisies, alstroemeria, carnations, mini carnations and hypericum, accented with variegated pittosporum, salal and myrtle
All Inclusive
Top Rated
Local Florist
Serving NYC
since 1989